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20 Contoh Pertanyaan dan Jawaban Wawancara Beasiswa Luar Negeri - 04/11/2022, 16:43 WIB
Sandra Desi Caesaria,
Albertus Adit

Tim Redaksi - Saat mahasiswa melamar beasiswa, salah satu tahapan yang dilalui adalah wawancara. Jangan bingung, sebab ada 20 contoh pertanyaan dan jawaban yang bisa dijadikan referensi.

Perlu diingat, penentu kelulusan yang cukup besar adalah wawancara. Oleh karena itu mahasiswa perlu latihan menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang sering muncul.

Dilansir dari laman Schoters, ada 20 pertanyaan wawancara yang sering ditanyakan dalam aplikasi beasiswa beserta contoh menjawab pertanyaan saat wawancara beasiswa. Cek daftarnya di bawah ini.

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1. Ceritakan tentang dirimu sendiri

Ceritakan keunikanmu dengan cara berbeda dari yang ada di CV. Kalau bisa, yang tidak tercantum. 

Contoh jawaban: “I’m someone who is passionate and takes personal interest in accounting and finance. That’s why I plan to continue my study for a Master’s Degree in Finance, Accounting & Taxation and become a Finance Planning & Analyst expert. I am already a certified Financial Planner by FPSB. When I am not working, I really enjoy reading personal development books and volunteering at my local communities.”

2. Setelah dapat beasiswa dan lulus S2/S3 apa yang akan Anda lakukan ? dengan cara apa dan di mana?

Untuk menjawabnya, jelaskan rencana kontribusi masa depanmu dengan bidang studi yang kamu dalami dan visi lembaga pemberi beasiswa.

Contoh jawaban: “A Master’s Degree in Finance, Accounting & Taxation will equip me in becoming a renowned financial planner expert and my country’s ambassador. I am currently applying for internships in the Ministry of Finance affairs and one of the big 4 consulting firms. Also, I am getting the certifications I need and aim at giving back what I’ve earned to the community and my country.”

3. Jelaskan kekuatan dan kelemahan terbesar kamu

Semua orang tidaklah perfeksionis. Kamu bisa menceritakan kekurangan dan kelebihanmu tanpa perlu berlebihan saat wawancara beasiswa. 

Contoh jawaban: “I would say that my greatest strength is I am an active listener. I can listen patiently, comprehend the situation at hand, and be compassionate about it when and where required. This is an ability I have developed during my school’s days, which had formed into a full-proof skill when I was elected as Student Representative consecutively. My weakness is my stubbornness, which can also sometimes be a strength. Once I’ve set my eyes on my goal, I turn persistent and tenacious towards its success. I guarantee my single-mindedness can help me get over my stubbornness. It’s a win-win solution for me.”

Baca juga: 5 Beasiswa S1-S3 Luar Negeri, Tunjangan hingga Rp 3 Miliar

4. Bagaimana kamu melihat diri sendiri lima tahun dari sekarang?

Jelaskan secara detil visimu di masa depan, rencana untuk meraihnya, dan apa yang telah kamu lakukan untuk mencapai hal tersebut.

Contoh jawaban: “I always love playing with numbers and enjoy advising business person’s based on their financial status. That’s why in 5 or few years ahead I am planning on establishing my own audit company. I am currently getting all the certifications and licenses that I need to accomplish this dream. So a masters degree in financial accounting will equip me with the necessary knowledge to help me pursue my future goals.”

5. Ceritakan pengalaman kamu melewati tantangan terbesar dalam hidup

Untuk menjawab hal tersebut, kamu perlu memikirkan dengan matang, tantangan hidup apa yang paling dapat menggambarkan kelebihanmu dalam mengatasi suatu permasalahan.

Contoh jawaban: “Back during junior year, I let procrastination wrap its grip on me. I was lazy, procrastinated most of the time, and pushed my tasks ‘for later’. This landed me in a hard time, I fell behind in my assignments and as the deadlines approached I was buried with a stack of pending homeworks. I managed to submit only a half of my total assignments and received detention from school. That was the time I swear on my life to never procrastinate ever again. I believe it was a messy phase in my life, and I have successfully bounced back from it. Now, I am proud of myself for being diligent, punctual, and strongly believe that time won’t wait.”

6. Mengapa kami harus memberikan beasiswanya kepada kamu?

Lolos beasiswa, tak cuma mengandalkan prestasi akademis dan organisasi saja. Sebab, banyak mahasiswa yang sama hebatnya dengan kamu.

Tonjolkan apa yang berbeda darimu. Mulai kontribusimu hingga cerita pengalaman non-akademis seperti kegiatan wirausaha atau relawan.

Contoh jawaban: “Financial literacy in Indonesia is considerably undervalued. Many parents do not teach this skill to their children. Yet, the sector of financial advisors has not been explored as a solution to this phenomenon. Thus, I would like to offer a satisfactory financial guide from beginner level to advance for those who need my attention. and this scholarship will help me accomplish my goal to serve the community".

7. Mengapa kamu ingin melanjutkan studi di universitas tersebut? mengapa ingin kuliah di luar negeri?

Jelaskan jika jurusan dan universitas tujuanmu sesuai untuk rencanamu mengembangkan diri dan dapat membantu kamu secara akademik di bidang yang kamu pilih.

Contoh jawaban: “I believe I am in-tune with the requirements for the University and the Scholarship. I live, pray, breathe with numbers. I have had the opportunity to complete an important project from a global accounting firm during my final year in college. This university has scripted history as a top university in their finance and accounting studies, and I would be highly obliged to be a part of their students.”

8. Apa salah satu pencapaian terbesar dalam hidupmu?

Gunakan kesempatan ini untuk menjelaskan pencapaian signifikan yang kamu raih. Jelaskan mengapa itu sangat penting bagimu.

Contoh jawaban: “I am a project lead for my university annual event, and I won the Award for Best Leader and Best Department. Earning this award has been one of my proudest moments because, toward the end of the college year, I was unsure to join them until the last call. Battled with my final year thesis and had to lead such a big group of crews to accomplish great event, but we overcame those obstacles and maintained our dedication to produce a beautiful and impactful yearly event.”

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9. Siapa role model kamu?

Role model bisa jadi kerabat, teman, kolega senior, atau artis idola. Dengan cara ini, pewawancara akan dapat melihat bagaimana kamu bisa membawa perspektif positif, dan nilai-nilai yang kamu pegang dari panutanmu.

Contoh jawaban: “I look up to my mother. Her compassion, diligence, and determination make me want to be a better person. She was just building her own business right after married my father at such a young age. My brother was born two year later. However, her early marriage, having a son and running a business did not deter her from getting back on track. She expanded her business, trained her crews, all this while she had to take care of a family. She excellently performs the duties of a boss, wife and a mother. I am inspired and extremely motivated by her sheer determination.”

10. Apa pandangan kamu tentang kepemimpinan?

Pandangan kamu tentang kepemimpinan pada dasarnya harus berakar dari pengalaman. Misalnya posisi kamu saat memikul tanggung jawab saudara kandung dan contoh lainnya.

Contoh jawaban: “I believe that leaders are master educators who evoke the highest qualities of each individual on the team. As an advocate of diversity equality, he/she creates an environment that helps to advance at the individual level to further enhance the growth and effectiveness of work. He/she is a living-proof of dedication, optimism, and patience. At college, I belonged to a learning and participating group assigned as an internal consultant. During my service, I noticed that most members do not have a career plan. Therefore, I provided career coaching for each member to get closer to their dream job. From this experience, I have acquired problem-solving and analysis skills”.

11. Bagaimana kamu menetapkan tujuan akademik dan karirmu? 

Disini, pewawancara beasiswa ingin tahu seberapa jelas dan terorganisir kamu tentang rencana akademismu.

Contoh jawaban: “I am future-oriented, so I set goals according to the future I envision. I set long-term goals and then short-term goals to achieve it. This exercise trains my subconscious mind to be more result-oriented, so I regularly write, review and track these goals’ process on a journal and digital planner.”

12. Bagaimana kamu menangani deadline dan tugas yang banyak?

Saat menjawab, ingatlah agar membawa rencana kamu untuk mencapai tujuanmu. Kamu juga diharapkan agar teratur dan bisa memprioritaskan dengan baik.

Contoh jawaban: “I will make sure I have a positive attitude towards the task at hand and plan to complete it and meet the deadline. I understand the importance of deadlines. However, if I can not meet the deadline, I will humbly ask for an extension. Although it seems unlikely that to happen, because I won’t let it happen.”

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13. Apa yang telah kamu lakukan untuk mempersiapkan beasiswa ini?

Yakinkan mereka bahwa kamu memiliki pendidikan, kualifikasi, pengalaman, dan keterampilan yang diperlukan dan berhak untuk menerima beasiswa.

Contoh jawaban: “A master’s degree in finance and accounting was definitely my dream. I vividly remember the time I would spend counting numbers and play with Excel. I also love business, so I soon started studying finance and accounting for my bachelor’s degree. Then I started work in one of the big accounting firms and I am a certified auditor. Therefore, I am confident that I have the capability to be awarded this scholarship.”

14. Apa arti motivasi bagi kamu?

Fokuslah untuk berbicara jujur tentang sesuatu yang memotivasi kamu dan hubungkan dengan beasiswa yang kamu daftar.

Contoh jawaban: “Practicing positive affirmations is a great motivation for me. It helps to redefine a more optimistic way of thinking, including hopes and goals. Positive affirmations help me to have a great perspective and be a result-oriented person.

15. Bagaimana kamu meminimalkan kesalahan kerjaanmu?

Jawablah pertanyaan ini secara akurat dan berikan contoh yang relevan.

Contoh jawaban: “To ensure error-free work is by proofreading. This is a great help in making seamless orders. For data, we use reliable software that can facilitate proper data collection for us to crosscheck, analyze, and display the result.”

16. Ceritakan pengalaman saat kamu menyelesaikan suatu masalah

Ceritakan pengalamanmu mengidentifikasi masalah yang pernah diselesaikan dan jelaskan dengan jelas metode apa yang digunakan.

Contoh jawaban: “As an internal advisor of a student group, the other tutors focused on educating members on professional, technical and soft skills, but they didn’t teach the students how to make money. So I suggested shifting the focus to financial education and entrepreneurship. Since then, we have heard from many members that they successfully acquired professional qualifications.”

17. Bagaimana sikap kamu saat menghadapi stres?

Pewawancara tahu jika kuliah bisa menyebabkan stres emosional bagi mahasiswa. Kamu bisa berikan contoh saat kamu menangani stres dengan baik dan jelaskan bagaimana kamu mengelola emosi tersebut.

Contoh jawaban: “Time management and rest have always been my antidote to stress. I always know that stress can not be avoided. But if possible, I will manage time, divide my project into smaller tasks, and take some breaks in between. For example, I was once asked to write three essays a day at school. I had to write a test the next day, so it was quite difficult and stressful. But applying time management certainly helped me.”

Baca juga: Beasiswa S2 dan S3, Gratis Kuliah di 21 Kampus Rusia

18. Bagaimana kamu membangun hubungan dengan anggota tim?

Pewawancara beasiswa menanyakan pertanyaan ini untuk melihat seberapa baik kamu dapat bekerja dalam tim dan untuk melihat tingkat hubungan yang kamu miliki satu sama lain.

Contoh jawaban: “I use the art of constructive criticism. I think communication is the key to teamwork. If other team members don’t live up to the expectations, I first praise them for their best efforts, then recommend areas for improvement, and show that I believe in their work.”

19. Apakah kamu punya pertanyaan untuk kami?

Penerima beasiswa menyukai kandidat yang penuh rasa penasaran. Kamu bisa berikan beberapa pertanyaan kepada pewawancara, diantaranya:

  • What are the rules and regulations for maintaining a scholarship throughout my academic background?
  • What is the Scholarship expecting from me?
  • How would you suggest preparing for a job at university when I was selected for a scholarship?

20. Apakah ada yang ingin kamu tambahkan?

Jika ada yang kurang, cobalah bertanya atau tambahkan beberapa hal. 

Contoh jawaban: “Thank you for your time. It was a great honor to participate in this interview. I strongly support the beliefs and norms of the institution. I would like to take this opportunity to shed light on my philanthropy. I am a financial-literate person and an active participant in the community. I believe in the importance of financial literacy, for the future of the world lies in its end. On a personal level, I have contributed to the group of students through career preparation assistance. It is my vision to witness them achieve their success.”

Itulah 20 contoh pertanyaan dan jawaban saat wawancara beasiswa. Perlu diingat, biasanya panitia penerima beasiswa dan universitas terus mengubah pola, gaya, dan isi wawancara. Jadi kamu harus selalu mempersiapkan mental untuk hal yang tak terduga.

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