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20 Contoh Pertanyaan dan Jawaban Wawancara Beasiswa Luar Negeri - 04/11/2022, 16:43 WIB
Sandra Desi Caesaria,
Albertus Adit

Tim Redaksi

Fokuslah untuk berbicara jujur tentang sesuatu yang memotivasi kamu dan hubungkan dengan beasiswa yang kamu daftar.

Contoh jawaban: “Practicing positive affirmations is a great motivation for me. It helps to redefine a more optimistic way of thinking, including hopes and goals. Positive affirmations help me to have a great perspective and be a result-oriented person.

15. Bagaimana kamu meminimalkan kesalahan kerjaanmu?

Jawablah pertanyaan ini secara akurat dan berikan contoh yang relevan.

Contoh jawaban: “To ensure error-free work is by proofreading. This is a great help in making seamless orders. For data, we use reliable software that can facilitate proper data collection for us to crosscheck, analyze, and display the result.”

16. Ceritakan pengalaman saat kamu menyelesaikan suatu masalah

Ceritakan pengalamanmu mengidentifikasi masalah yang pernah diselesaikan dan jelaskan dengan jelas metode apa yang digunakan.

Contoh jawaban: “As an internal advisor of a student group, the other tutors focused on educating members on professional, technical and soft skills, but they didn’t teach the students how to make money. So I suggested shifting the focus to financial education and entrepreneurship. Since then, we have heard from many members that they successfully acquired professional qualifications.”

17. Bagaimana sikap kamu saat menghadapi stres?

Pewawancara tahu jika kuliah bisa menyebabkan stres emosional bagi mahasiswa. Kamu bisa berikan contoh saat kamu menangani stres dengan baik dan jelaskan bagaimana kamu mengelola emosi tersebut.

Contoh jawaban: “Time management and rest have always been my antidote to stress. I always know that stress can not be avoided. But if possible, I will manage time, divide my project into smaller tasks, and take some breaks in between. For example, I was once asked to write three essays a day at school. I had to write a test the next day, so it was quite difficult and stressful. But applying time management certainly helped me.”

Baca juga: Beasiswa S2 dan S3, Gratis Kuliah di 21 Kampus Rusia

18. Bagaimana kamu membangun hubungan dengan anggota tim?

Pewawancara beasiswa menanyakan pertanyaan ini untuk melihat seberapa baik kamu dapat bekerja dalam tim dan untuk melihat tingkat hubungan yang kamu miliki satu sama lain.

Contoh jawaban: “I use the art of constructive criticism. I think communication is the key to teamwork. If other team members don’t live up to the expectations, I first praise them for their best efforts, then recommend areas for improvement, and show that I believe in their work.”

19. Apakah kamu punya pertanyaan untuk kami?

Penerima beasiswa menyukai kandidat yang penuh rasa penasaran. Kamu bisa berikan beberapa pertanyaan kepada pewawancara, diantaranya:

  • What are the rules and regulations for maintaining a scholarship throughout my academic background?
  • What is the Scholarship expecting from me?
  • How would you suggest preparing for a job at university when I was selected for a scholarship?

20. Apakah ada yang ingin kamu tambahkan?

Jika ada yang kurang, cobalah bertanya atau tambahkan beberapa hal. 

Contoh jawaban: “Thank you for your time. It was a great honor to participate in this interview. I strongly support the beliefs and norms of the institution. I would like to take this opportunity to shed light on my philanthropy. I am a financial-literate person and an active participant in the community. I believe in the importance of financial literacy, for the future of the world lies in its end. On a personal level, I have contributed to the group of students through career preparation assistance. It is my vision to witness them achieve their success.”

Itulah 20 contoh pertanyaan dan jawaban saat wawancara beasiswa. Perlu diingat, biasanya panitia penerima beasiswa dan universitas terus mengubah pola, gaya, dan isi wawancara. Jadi kamu harus selalu mempersiapkan mental untuk hal yang tak terduga.

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